First Publication in 2020
My Story "White in White about the vanishing monastery of St Vincent in Lörrach, is published in STERN Gesund Leben 1/2020.
Essays / s /
My Story "White in White about the vanishing monastery of St Vincent in Lörrach, is published in STERN Gesund Leben 1/2020.
Bachelor presentations in Photojournalismus and Dokumenaryphotography are on January 21st at University of Applied Science and Arts in Hanover. I present my BA Project "Everything will be fine, Oleg". January 22nd, 7pm we open our exhibition at the GAF-Eisfabrik. Come over!
After surviving a stroke with brain bleeding , Oleg (46 years) is cared for in Russia by his German half-sisters. In the work "Everything will be fine, Oleg" accompanies Fabian Fiechter the siblings and gives an intimate insight into the challenge of caring for relatives in a country with a markedly lacking care system.
To get some change from everyday life in the hospital, Linda goes for a walk through the city with her brother.
Have a look at "VR Future" Magazin with an article about me, Combining Intensive Care Nursing and Photojournalism.
Thank you Brasilia Magazin for this beautiful publication of my story "WHITE ON WHITE" in the current issue No 4.
Very very nice publication!
My exhibition about a small monastery is going home and will be exhibited at the place it was photographed. I am exited that the exhibition will be opened next week 28.6. and will be staying there for a while, so please come and have a look.
What a nice shooting with Laura Dekker for Süddeutsche Zeitung. Laura is the youngest person who
sailed 7 years ago with 14 alone around the world. What a pleasure to meet her.
Thanks to Vivian Balzerkiewitz and Wilma Leskowitsch.
#LauraDekker #Sailing #SüddeutscheZeitung #Portraitshooting #onassignment
During the Winnenden school shooting Barbara Nalepas Daughter was killed among 16 others.
Mrs Nalepa has been drawn up before the European Court of Justice to fight for more stringent arms
rights in Germany. I was very impressed meeting her during an assignment for Frankfurter Allgemeine
Today my story "White in White" about the St. Vincent Sisters in my hometown was published on New York Times Lensblog.
Photographer Union "FREELENS" and my Home University is reporting about the Winners of College Photographer of the Year.
What a nice surprise this morning. I am under the winners of this years College Photographer of the Year Single Portrait category. I won a bronze medal for my image of sister Margaritha.
Congratulations to all the other winners and to the whole CPOY Crew. I think it was a great selection you made this year! Thank you for helping out to Wilma Leskowitsch, Katharina Bauer, BelleVue - Ort für Fotografie and for shure to sister Margaritha.
What a nice welcome back in Europe and to this most inspiring place. I am in Denmark untill the middle of November researching for my final project.
Wonderful Release Party from the International Photo 1 Fall 2016 at DMJX photojournalism in Aarhus, Denmark. Thank you so much, and congratulation to your fantastic Magazin.
No sleep, fantastic lectures,encouraging portfolio reviews, wonderful people, lot of inspiration and motivation. I had a fantastic experience at this years Eddie Adams Workshop XXIX in New York, USA. Thank you so much for that great opportunity and its a honour be take part at this legendary workshop.
Have a look at "Die Zeit Spezial" with an article about me, changing career.
Combining Intensive Care Nursing and Photojournalism is possible....
Thank you for the Portraits Wilma Leskowitsch.
And Thanks you for the Article Martina Kix and Verena Bruening
Exhibition at "MAZ - Die Schweizer Journalistenschule" in Luzern. Today is the vernissage of "Dreieck von der Liebe und anderen Abhängigkeiten" at 7pm in Luzern. Feel free to visit us. With Tjefa Wegener and Roland Schmid. The Exhibition will be open till December.
After a intense year the Cartel Collective continued working on our group project about the district around Frankfurts main railway station.
There has been a successful preview of the project in our container at this years Lumix Festival for Young Photojournalism in Hannover, Germany.
Vernissage 21.5.2016 Ausstellung Bellevue Ort für Fotografie, Basel
"DREIECK von der Liebe und anderen Abhängigkeiten"
with Tjefa Wegener and Roland Schmied.
Thank you to Regine Flury and Christian Flierl
Professor Rolf Nobel is going to leave the University in Hanover after 16 Years of teaching. He developed the school program in Hanover and created together with the "Lumix Fotofestival - Hannover" a centre for Photojournalism education in Germany. Tomorrow there will be the opening of his "farewell exhibition".
Tomorrow there will be the opening of his "farewell exhibition" in Hanover. And I am really happy and thankful that I can show some of my pictures from my "Touchable" Project there.
Thank you Rolf! Come all and visit it!
Vernissage is tomorrow 18.5.2016 19:00 at GAF in Hanover.
Cartel Collective Meeting in March Frankfurt. Working hard on our Group Projekt.
# Bahnhovsviertel # Cartel Container